to those living by themselves, how much do you normally pay in rent?

Any info ? On what you do for work? Cause for me ild get a second job improve your financial situation,at the moment the small things that piss you off are nothing Appreciate having shelter Ever woken up deep in the bush somone standing over you asking what Im doing ? Aye one of many many types of situations I have been into on the streets and bush.

Without any background info to your complaints , people like me who don't take other people's homes for granted, hssss at spoon feed cats .

You only get what you give , clearly your not putting in, look where we are Reddit.

Learn bush craft , make a axe , stash supplies ,essentials (water) Make weapons for hunting, traps , teach yourself to skin on and on and on This shit living in nature is how we are , some like yourself get comfortable stuck in concrete surrounded by sunshine lollipops and rainbows spoon feed to greed. Anyone who doesn't like my comment on this , that's ok but maybe your life experiences were comfortable aswell . But for breed survivor's, nonsense from silver spoons it's frustrating but humbling.

Thanks everyone in life too I talk n talk hahaha but now without knowing it you don't have many choices but to read my mind . Peace from the country I wasn't born in .

/r/brisbane Thread