Those were some of the best days

Little did we know at the time... the 80s/90s era as a kid were THE PRIME years to grow up. I remember even thinking way ahead about how 2020 sounded so futuristic and intriguing. Turns out, after the 80s/90s stretch, it all started to go downhill from there to be honest.

It was relatively peaceful, the culture at the time was easy to get wrapped up in, Movies/Music seemed innovative for both kids and adults, we weren’t as weighed down by technology but had enough gadgets to fool us to thinking that we were high-tech enough.

Everything felt like it changed after Columbine & 9/11. Overnight change, hard line in the sand. Was never the same as it was then and likely never will be again. Shootings, Facebook, Internet, Cell Phones further helped kill off any remaining innocence left.

I wouldn’t pick any other era to grow up in than the 80s/90s. 2000s kids never got to experience life pre-internet (it was actually kind of awesome!) and our parents were post-war Baby Boomers so they still had some of the old ways stuck in them and grew up during some pretty volatile events. We got that sweet spot of peace, some tech, great sports, and the world wasn’t nearly as insane.

I just wish I realized it then that THOSE were actually the days.

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