Those of you who had a negative view of women/were misogynistic and later got your perspective rectified, how did it happen?

I might get shit for this but I have sort of a middle road opinion on it. I want to preface I have no dating experience, make fun all you want, when I was younger I thought putting a girl on a pedestal is the way to go as I've gotten older and observed relationships, read etc. I think it's good to be a little misogynistic. Men and women are different, in general women are more emotional, crazy, want manly men etc and guys want beauty, to be in charge etc. I think relationship should be slightly in favor of the guy not much. Happy man, happy relationship. Woman in charge usually breeds issues. Could be wrong but that's what I've noticed and I do listen to a lot of Patrice oneal's sermons.

/r/AskMen Thread