THOTH (known as ENOCH or SAURID) The Builder Of Great Pyramid Of Egypt According To Emerald Tablets

Possible translation into more modern English My literal translation of the Emerald Tablet

Prompted by the discussion over on /r/occult I have attempted my own translation according to what I think are subtleties in the Latin text that are missing from the usual Newton translation.

I do think that using "plain" English words of Germanic origin conveys a more direct feeling of a text that is poetical without being stuffy or overly complicated. The choices I made are justified in the thread so I won't repeat them here.

  1. True without untruth, certain and very true:
  2. What is lowest is like what is highest, and what is highest is like what is lowest, for it to carry through the miracles of the only thing.
  3. And as all things were from one, by meditation of the one, so all things were born of this one thing by adaptation.
  4. His father is the Sun. His mother is the Moon, the Wind carried him in his belly, his nurse is the earth.
  5. He is the Father of every talisman in the whole world.
  6. His powers are whole if they were poured on earth.
  7. You will sever earth from fire, the fine from the thick, sweetly, with great genius.
  8. He rose from earth to the heaven, once again he came down to earth and carried back the strength of the upper and the lower.
  9. So you will have the Glory of all the world.
  10. Therefore may all darkness flee from you.
  11. This of all strengths is the strength of the strong, which overcomes every subtle thing and which will pierce into every solid [thing].
  12. So was the world made.
  13. These will be the wonderful adaptations whose way is this. Thus I am called Hermes Thrice-Great, who has three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
  14. What I have said of the working of the Sun is finished.

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