I thought I [20F] was in a happy relationship, but I've realised that I hardly ever disagree with my boyfriend of 2 years [30M]. The thought of disagreeing with him seems impossible. I feel lonely and upset.

Thank you for your comment (and thank you to all the other posters). It wasn't condescending at all, in fact it makes me feel good to have my feelings affirmed for once, and to feel like it's good that this discomfort is emerging, as opposed to it being a symptom of mental illness.

The responses to this post are really helping me "see the light", but leaving will be difficult for me. I have a very limited network of friends and family as I live far away from home. He encouraged me to drop out of college to live with him, and his town is on the other side of the country. I ran away with him in the middle of the night, and although I have reached out to my parents since then, my relationship with them is very shaky, and I feel they still have a lot of resentment for me. I think they would probably let me move back in with them while I got back on my feet, but it would definitely be a complicated atmosphere.

If I tell him I am leaving, he won't help me take all my things in his truck like he did when I ran away from my college dormitory. I will probably have to get out at night with just a small suitcase of essentials, and although it sounds ridiculous, I feel terrible about having to leave all of my books and my clothes here. For one thing, I don't want him to have them, and for another thing, I would feel ill-prepared for making a fresh start, which would make me even more nervous about leaving.

Sorry for the ramble. I just feel very cut-off in this place, not only emotionally but physically, and the confusing logistics of leaving him have been running through my head recently.

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