I thought this guy hit the nail on the head.

I'm sure you've probably been berated with responses by this point but I just feel obliged to put in my two cents. Slavery technically ended with the signing of the emancipation of proclamation at the end of the civil war, but just because a bill is written into law doesn't necessarily mean action is taken immediately. Black people still were not allowed to vote nor own property so they had to work for white farmers in the south as sharecroppers ( where pretty much they were slotted a small amount of land and told what to grow and when to grow it and they weren't allowed to keep the profits from selling the crops, they were only allowed to keep a small portion of the crops- just enough to keep them alive and working). Then as time moved along black folks weren't allowed to attend the same kind of schools or classes as white folks, thus came the Supreme Court ruling in 1896 of Plessy v. Ferguson ( separate but equal, which allowed black folks to attend the same schools as whites but separate Classes as long as the environment and curriculum were equal), obviously that was a joke. Then their was the Jim Crow laws that lasted well into the 20th ( black people were segregated from the rest of society, they couldn't eat in the same facilities as whites, we couldn't watch movies in the same theaters as whites, even the public restrooms and the military was segregated. Jim Crow in south was severely worse and way more brutal, blacks had to abide by strict curfew and if the were found out past that curfew then they were beat up or even worse hung). Black people were denied the right to live in the same neighborhoods or own the same cars as whites because banks wouldn't allow them to. The history of black people ( my people ) in America is a sad one but their is also glimmers of excellence and beauty. Slavery isn't something that can go away after a century or two because it wasn't just a physicals use, it was mental. Even to this day black people are made to be inferior by society as if we don't have the mental capacity or fortitude to be greater. Their is a lot more history and a lot more I can say but I'm honestly getting angry as I'm writing this and starting to remember some of the brutal stories my parents and their parents have told me of their bouts with white people and how they were verbally and physically abused just for having darker skin.

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