Thought this might be important

Are people having a collective stroke in this comment thread? If you have the ability to cobble together a comment, you have the ability to look some basic shit up.

  1. TED Talks aren't the hallowed ground of societies best; sometimes you've got some good shit, and a lot of other times you've got some not so goo shit.

  2. TED Talks stated goal is simply to

    "share ideas and spark conversations on a wide range of topics, including science, business, politics, and the arts. TED Talks feature speakers from a variety of fields, who present their ideas and research in short, powerful talks that are 18 minutes or less. The talks are meant to be informative, inspiring, and thought-provoking, and are designed to promote the exchange of ideas and encourage people to think more deeply about the world around them."

  3. Justin Baldoni's full Ted Talk, if you bothered to watch the entire thing and not live your life in bite sized pieces of cherry-picked media, is clearly intended to accomplish the above stated goals.

So release your collective pearls.

/r/TikTokCringe Thread Link -