And I thought my neighbours were from hell...

I just bought my first house in April last year. I moved into a small cul-de-sac somewhat like the one in the video. Most of my neighbours are lovely. The old couple one one side of me will do things like put my bin out if I forget when I'm on nights, and the guy across from me one day just decided to mow my lawn for me, and we catch up for a chat fairly often now. There's another guy in the corner of the street who I help out with computer problems.

But then there's the 'problem' house on the other side of me. They have two boys, roughly 5 and 7 years old. The older kid is out there every day, usually on some kind of bike or other toy on wheels (he has dozens of them it seems), and whenever his mum isn't there, he beats the shit out of his brother. I've seen this kid push his little brother off of his trike into the gravel, then get on the trike and start trying to run him over. He has fucked with my letter box multiple times, filling it with leaves, then dirt (had to actually unbolt it to clean the dirt out) and finally some little nut things from a tree in their yard. I also caught him stealing a block of wild bird seed from my frangipani tree and trying to shoot the birds in it with a Nerf gun. The frustrating thing is I've done absolutely nothing to antagonize or provoke the kid. The only time I said anything was with the bird seed, and I was really nice about it, didn't raise my voice or anything.

I have grown up seeing horror stories about neighbours from hell, so I never spoke to his parents about it. I just wave and smile whenever I see them, and they have always done the same. I figured everything was fine.

Then about a month ago, I had my parents two dogs for the weekend, while they went on a short trip for their anniversary. On the Monday when my parents came over to pick them up, the neighbors were home watching their outdoor TV in the converted carport while the kids were out the front. My dad opened my front door to go and put the dogs' food and beds in the car, and Charlie, his chihuahua mix, saw the older kid tearing around my front lawn on bike. Before anyone knew what was happening he shot out the door yapping and this kid got off his bike (???), then ran across the road to a neighbours front lawn and started crying and screaming. Charlie never got within 5 meters of him, he just sat in the middle of the road barking. The other, bigger dog watched the whole thing from inside, but never moved an inch (he likes the air-con and it was a hot day). So my dad and I got Charlie and put him inside, then dad went back out, by which time the mother was frantically patting her kid down. She checked every inch of the little coward twice and found nothing, but my dad asked her if he was alright anyways, and she just flipped the fuck out. She told him she was going to get a shovel and her own dogs out, and that she would kill Charlie if she ever sees him again. My dad just stood there in shock for a moment then said something like "look, I don't care whether you want to threaten me, I'm just making sure the kid is OK". She just kept going off until her husband (a massive bear-like guy) came out and told my dad "it's fine, just go" and guided her inside.

Since then I've heard nothing from them, but they chopped off the top of one of their bushes that was draping over the fence into my yard (didn't bother me either way, but it seemed like a strange coincidence), and I've heard the mother screaming at both boys 2 or 3 times since then to "get away from that lemon tree" (the tree is in my front lawn). I honestly don't care about her kids at all, as long as they don't actually fuck with my shit, they can play wherever they want, but I am beginning to become concerned that the mother is going to do something crazy one day and say she was protecting her kids.

I have also considered getting cameras for unrelated reasons in the past, but now I'm worried that it might tip her over the edge as well.

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