I thought Reddit was toxic, then I headed to the official forums.

This is exactly what I told my IRL friends after they had a weird discussion about how the game is failed in NA due to the honing rates. I said “if you obsess over honing rates to get to 1370 then you will never get there” but alas, they see the only progression in the game as ilvl boosting. It’s sad that people reduce MMOs to just this gear score number. There’s so much more content in the game but because “honing bad” they won’t even log in to do Chaos or anything anymore, back to Valorant for them.

I don’t even look at honing when I do it I just throw mats in and it’s whatever, but they are OBSESSED with every single god damn honing fail it’s annoying me now. They open their strategic honing fails every day and post screenshots to brag how much of a failure their hones are it’s just weird.

”went up 5 strategic honing fails today great game” they say with a screenshot attached. I tried explaining to them the Artisan Energy mindset on how you should think of it like it’s guaranteed to fail and you want to fill up artisan, but it has a small chance to randomly succeed. This mindset totally changed how I see honing now, giving me much more patience. I think they are trying to stay with the whales as well as hardcore players by only playing ~2 hours, it’s unrealistic and they are mad because the game isn’t boosting them to “where everyone else is” but what they don’t realize is that they are actually ahead of probably a majority of people just by being in T3 at 1350.

Rant over

/r/lostarkgame Thread Parent