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Thought I would share

Thought I would share

You really don't understand basic economic concepts like competitivity, consumers are not the ones that should adapt to the product.

Cygames has data that none of us do. We went through this meta for 1 month and there are no nerfs outside of the emergency nerfs at the very beginning.

What does that tells us? That they, based on what they know, don't think nerfs are necessary unlike many in this sub

Yes, people will flock away from the game when it gets bad enough but Cygames has the measurements to see when it is worth changing something in their design and when it isn't. And if they didn't act now, chances are things aren't as bad as other players would led you to believe. Simply put, I trust far more on the developers of the game to access the state of the game in an objective way than a random redditor.

Which begs the questions: who are you complaining to? And how sure you are of what you're saying? Can you really say this game is getting worse when the developers keep pushing their design philosophy every expansion towards quick and explosive games and the game, apparently, keeps making millions every month?

Don't forget that reddit is a minority and not always representative of the general playerbase.

Which brings us to the next point on your post

complaining is just a (more or less efficient) way of letting Cy know they aren't doing things right and that they should address that before people start fleeing en masse.

This is useless here. Useless

We're talking about an english community of a game that makes practically all of its money from Asia.

A subreddit with little more than 30k subscribers since 2017

No amount of critics here, wherever good or bad, no matter how well put, will ever reach Cygames ears. You're making noise and not being useful in any way if your intentions are to warn the people behind the game that they're doing something wrong. If you truly believe that complaining, when well put, is justifiable then you should literally take your criticism elsewhere. It doesn't accomplish anything here.

I don't have any prove that those were your true intentions (basically because I can't read minds) but it really seems that's the case, so sorry if I missed.

You did.

I shared something I agreed with.

You like it? Upvote, leave a comment and move on

You don't like it? Downvote, leave a comment and move on

In any way did I personally attacked other players over what they thought?

I didn't post this here to be told that I'm a shill or arrogant for not sharing the same view with someone else. If you think that we're both the same then we're done here.

You found someone making a text wall that resonated with your own ideas and shared it to start some discussion and probably try to echo-chamber said ideas.

Nope. Just to start some discussion

You most likely wanted to complain about people complaining and instead found a way of not doing so personally.

sigh we're done here man.

Also, don't know why you deleted the previous comment

I didn't delete anything. Have a nice day

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