Thoughts from a toxic, former lol player

You just became addicted. It's not your personality or whatever. Every person on the earth would get toxic if he invests 10 hours daily on something that keeps getting destroyed over and over, by trolls, boosted players or flamers. I believe safe amount of League is like 1-2 games daily. I never believed that you can become addicted on some multimedia but League, and WoW truly are addicting games and destroy people life if you stop to control it. It's not that they are super awesome but they have addicting concept, making you to repeat the same thing over and over in order to achieve score/rank/gear. And if you repeat the same thing for like 1000th time without even having fun, just to reach some goddamn point in ladder, and it gets destroyed on daily basis by soloq community, you just get toxic.

I was addicted myself since I was playing like 10-15 games daily, throwing out my career in programming but luckily I got a wakeup call, when I didn't get the job I wanted. I realized, that if I invested all this time spent in LoL, or atleast half of it, to hard work on my programming/IT skills, I would't just get a job, I would fucking be the best programmer in my city. Now, when I play 1-2 games, I don't even bother writing, it's just one fucking game in between my practice in programming. I didn't even quit the game, and I started to have a fun in soloq again. Trolls/ragers/bad players bother me, but I'm above them. I don't have my Diamond spot, like I had 2 seasons ago, but who really cares? I will always be a trash for d4-challengers and I always be that e-bay guy for lower ranked people. But I have real life success and that's what matters. I don't want to say that you have to work 24/7 and not relax, but climbing League ladder is not a relax. It is literally working your butt off to become successful in something, that will never bring you money (unless you want to go pro), happiness or respect from your friends. Focus on your career, because LoL will eventually die someday, but your quitting and lost time will last forever.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread