Thoughts on Anncy Twinkle?

I used to love her when she was unproblematic and only did makeup videos but I recently had to unsubscribe because I feel like she’s become a bully. She’s so mean to people unnecessarily, I feel like she tries really hard to have this cool, badass girl image and it’s resorted to her constantly making fun of her own race. It’s literally become her personality trait to make fun of Indians lol. On her Omegle videos she’ll bully tf out of people, call random strangers ugly or talk shit about their looks to their faces, before those people even said anything to her!! I was in so much shock, not sure how she gets away with it but she’s definitely become a mean girl, and I think her friendship with the rich twins brings out the worst in her. She wants to be cool so bad and brush it off as being a “bad bitch” but she’s just rude and has so much internalised racism lol.

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