Thoughts on Iranians in /r/worldnews who support Iran being invaded? Do you think most Iranians would welcome an American invasion?

Anyone can say they are Iranian online, and Iran has many enemies. They could be Arabs, brainwashed to think Iran is their mortal enemy. They could be Israelis. They could be Pan-Turks, Pan-Kurds, Pakistanis that think Iran is Shia and should be destroyed, Afghans that think Iran treats refugees bad. They could be Indians, Southeast Asians, Americans, or literally anyone.

Giving off the vibe of 'cucked' is probably what they want. At the very least, people lose respect for Iranians. It even demoralizes actual Iranians to read 'Iranians' being so pathetic online. At best it would help drum up support for invasion. Either way it's a win for the pretenders.

Or it could just be miserable Iranians. Who knows

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