Thoughts on my emergency fund setup...?

You ask for advice, then shoot down every comment here. If you already knew the answer to your question, why ask?

My mistake was posting here at PF. Read through the responses I have received and see how some did not even comprehend what I listed in the OP. I asked seeking insight to see if I was missing anything...not for ridiculous ill-thought out nonsense.

Here's something I missed:

You lose your job and your auto and insurance payments come from where?

Having to go on Cobra or to the market for health insurance was not something I had taken into account.

Some emergencies do not let you use a credit card.

Such as? Serious question. Give me some examples.

In the case that you lose your job and need to pull out a large sum of cash immediately, you’re fucked.

So, WHY would I need to "pull out a large sum of cash immediately"? Got any examples?

My advice, along with others, is to have 3-6 months of expenses in a high yield savings account to act as an emergency fund.

From the OP:

Expenses are ~$11.5K/yr. (after taxes and insurances -automatically withheld from paycheck).


For an emergency fund I currently have:

$2,500 literal cash

$1K in savings account

$3K in a Vanguard taxable in bonds

Pay attention now:

I have other investments.

So, please, give me real world examples of where I'm going to need over $3,500 "immediately".

I certainly didn't post seeking all the wishy-washy stuff that too many have offered.

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