Thoughts on r/AskFeminists?

Idk man, there are a lot of good feminism subs on here, but that just doesn’t seem to be one of them in my experience, am I wrong?

Not really, this is Reddit Afterall and you probably know one of those right-wing caricatures about women screaming "everyone beside females is shit" right?

Well you are lucky to find extraordinarily rare specimens whose ratio of existence is around 1:10000000

Yeah ironically this kind of people does exist but as far as I'm concerned it's rare like really freaking rare, the right often blew this kind of people out of proportion

Slightly out of topic

To why this kind of peoples exist I recommend you to check slime through the video on why tf Twitter is toxic as hell

You could apply some of its logic to Reddit and other social media

In the end, all of us are equally prone to being terminally online because the system begs us to, not just the conservative but also the anarchist, the feminist, the communist, and other the system demand us to consume its spectacle, I pity those who are terminally online

/r/Anarchy101 Thread