Thoughts on the recent video by Eliot Sang?

I've seen hundreds of people use canes, up close, in my life. I know the "tells" of someone who is used to using a cane. It's in the way that they step with it without thinking, the way that they balance it in their hand, the way that they swing it when they walk. More than that, there's the little accidental shuffles as they adjust their weight when they walk. The things "how to walk with cane" won't turn up in the results of Google.

A lot of people on Tik Tok pretend to have DID and speak with alters, but very few of them exhibit the secondary or tertiary signs of having DID. A lot of times though, their portrayal of DID is more like what someone would see if they went to Google for acting lessons.

For what it's worth, I believe the body of evidence that DID is very real (but very, exceedingly rare). The vast, vast, vast majority of these people are actually suffering from a mass delusion brought about by a desire to be seen and acknowledged during a time of uncoupling and detachment in our society. My fear is that the people who truly suffer from this are losing their voice and any public sympathy. Radical acceptance of anyone who claims to have dissociation has bunched them with a vast army of delusional teens and young adults.

If everyone has DID, then no one has DID. After all, if person 'A' can just, you know, make alter 'B' not front, like that's cool. Except that isn't how it works at all, it's almost always uncontrollable and invasive with 100% total amnesia.

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