Thoughts on rpg and grenade launcher?

My apologies if you didn't downvote but I just noticed the views on the post didn't change much between the last time I checked and you commenting so it seemed highly likely that it was you. My b.

I said in an earlier comment that I don't have much trouble with the RPG. It's pretty slow tbh and that's fine but my main concern is with the grenade launcher. If timed right a grenade can drop on you and blow up in your face before you even blink. I stated in an earlier comment that I have 3 possible things that could tweak it to make it more fair on an opponent.

One was to do as you said no player damage but just structural dmg. Another would be to make it so you can shoot the grenade when it's on the floor to "de-activate" it. The last one was make an ammo cap for explosives but I think you could change this so that you can only shoot two grenades then have to reload. Instead of whatever it is now like 6? Or something? I don't remember but I know you can spam quite a lot of grenades before having to reload.

Another tweak that may work but I wouldn't be the biggest fan of it would make it so the timer starts when it hits the ground not in the air like it currently is.

I'm fine with playing the game the way it is but I can see this community saying the same as what I'm saying in a few months time when people have ran into enough grenade spammers it's no longer funny.

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