Thoughts on Sam Harris's comment on Nihilism? (The Minimalist Podcast)


The anti-nihilist face whiners put on nihilism is extremely useful to those who would like to mold others into whatever it is they think they should be. For two reasons - 1) it's a way of slapping brats and whiners they believe are following the wrong leader plus, it gives nihilism a bad name because the autonomy reality supports is equally "bad for business" so both the autonomous nihilist and the "me too" anti-nihilist sheep are "the enemy".

Politics (and all things social) is all about tearing down reality and rebuilding it to suit the self. Fortunately, reality's response is just sort of..."Pffft, how's that working out for ya? Not so good, eh?".

Somehow, man got hold of the idea that declaring reality "defective" or "inferior" to his ideas about it is "clever". Personally, it appears to me to be a completely social "claim" designed to create some sort of control over others out of a stark-raving fear of reality. It doesn't work, but it is an extremely popular idea - 100% pop cult zombie and the basis of war in which all sides are precisely equal. Equally whiny about bent on "repairing" a reality that isn't broken.

/r/nihilism Thread Link -