Thoughts on Shay getting hate? What do you guys think on this Shay Mitchell situation? Do u think she was actually being offensive or are people interpreting it differently? (The hair)

They face racism because they choose to. If everyone would just realize ITS JUST SKIN and we all have the same insides..the world would be a better place. I’ve encountered hateful slandering remarks and gestures towards me because I’m white but I choose to literally look at them and say you do realize I was born with this skin..God didn’t ask me hey do you want to be white or black..I didn’t choose quit hating me for the skin I was born with...look from the inside..that’s what matters. The person I am is not determined from the color of my skin...but who I choose to be by my actions..So yes ITS JUST SKIN. My skin color doesn’t keep my heart beating or my brain has zero purpose...the person underneath the skin color is what matters..not the skin color..start looking past the skin .

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