Thoughts On Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 3

Season 3 is where you can really feel the executives' "get it out the door and hope it hits, no time to fix or innovate" model about to snap Telltale in half. On one end you have clear signs of attempted improvement from the first two seasons, things like the more dynamic gameplay and the ability to keep Conrad alive to the end even though his death seems unavoidable for the plot. And on the other, you have lazy, first-draft writing (the plot started because of PUDDING), shallow characters (Tripp's a giant baby, Eleanor's a bipolar flake, Joan is Joan, Badger sniped a little girl in the back of the head unprovoked over PUDDING, etc), and crippling bugs (which are mostly consistent in every playthrough!) ensuring that none of those halfway improvements matter.

/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay Thread