Thoughts on this year's upcoming Census regarding inclusion of non-binary people?

I'm disappointed the census refers to "sex" rather than "gender".

According to the ABS: and gender should be treated as two distinct concepts with questions on sex referring to what gender a person was assigned at birth and gender expression meaning how they currently identify.

If it's being defined that way, then fine I guess. My "sex" has absolutely no bearing on my day to day life or anything at all, though. My gender does. There is no question on gender, so referring exclusively to "sex" here just becomes a "politically correct" way to misgender me.

According to the ABS, "sex" is important for

  • population projections * estimates of life expectancy * family structure

By my understanding, this is all more relevant to my gender than my "sex". I think they should only ask gender here, but if they're set on asking about "sex" they could at least ask both questions and have more meaningful data.

So overall, this question is fantastic for intersex people and others who fit in a non-binary sex category, but it makes me feel excluded rather than included. I'll be answering based on my gender, not "sex", much like I would for anyone asking this question outside a medical context (and even then, I'd be making a judgement on whether it was relevant first).

/r/transgenderau Thread