thoughts and prayers...

You want a sincere conversation about abortion?

you should need to live with the consequences imo


A living, human person is not a "punishment." They are not a "consequence." What kind of twisted, broken world-view do you have that a the life of a child is not only a punishment, but a fitting and moral punishment. That you would smear the love that children deserve with the assertion that their existence is punishment to the very people who should love them most.

What kind of world do you live in, where it is preferable, even commendable that children are born to parents who do not want them.

A child is an entire life - upwards of 90 years of happiness and sadness, pain and pleasure, laughs, tears, love, hate, achievements, failures, kindness and cruelty. A child is a beautiful, precious, incredible thing that our species has the privilege of having, and you would taint that by calling it a punishment. A consequence.

A fetus is nothing. Nonexistence. Do you remember pre-birth? You don't. Because it isn't bad. Or good. It is nothing. It has no moral position - it is not death. It is the absence of sentience. It is the absence of life.

But a child. A born child is alive. A born child is a responsibility. And you... you would look at a child and tell them "Exist. Exist as suffering for your mother and father. Exist to remind her of her mistake. Exist to remind everyone around her of her mistake. You are that mistake."

How sick is that. How absolutely disgusting. That any child should be born into that. That any child's first moments in this world should be defined by that.

Some people like you say people like me are pro-abortion. And most pro-choice folks would say, no. They are not pro-abortion.

But I'll fucking say it. I am pro-abortion.

I think abortions should be widely and readily available. I think that any child, every child, should be brought into this world with wholehearted joy and enthusiastic consent. That every person should know their existence is joy, that they are loved and wanted, that they are truly the miracle their parents hoped for.

No child is punishment. No child is "consequence." Every child should be wanted and no child should be forced into an unloved existence.

And a fetus is not a child.

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