Thousands of Serbians rally in favor of Invasion of Kosovo. They are chanting: “Fuck NATO pact”, “Kosovo is Serbia” and “Serbs and Russians brothers forever”. This comes after Serbian president threatened to send Army in Kosovo! The World needs to stop another Ukraine scenario in Europe.

I think we were talking about Kosovo Police, not KFOR.

It's you should get out of the limitations of history books and look further, for example you could start by researching about what serbian army and serbian paramilitary groups did in Kosovo during the war.

Some people being a majority in a region dont necessarily mean anything, there has been always changes of where people live, either displaced by war(ex.albanians)or natural disasters or whatever.Serbians being majority there doesn't prove anything, there's Albanian majority in South of Serbia aswell (which don't have the quarter of rights that serbians in Kosovo have).

As for albanians having a problem with multiethnicity..... serbians don't live just in North of Kosovo, there's other parts where they're even less in numbers and no one bothers them. North is different because the people there are puppets used by serbian government for its own interests.

Americans gave support to a population that was repeatedly suppressed and terrorized culminating in a war which tried ethnic cleansing by massively killing, burning, raping and displacing hundreds of thousands albanians from Kosovo.

As for the latter part, I won't further discuss about your views on Russia/Ukraine situation, since your comments in the type of "Russia can't lose this war" tell enough.

Also chill, not like caps lock add any depth to your points.

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