It's This Thread Again™: We ABSOLUTELY need a specific "Not Playing Assigned Role" report category.

It's flubbergassing to me that, after MULTIPLE reddit threads of people holding others hostage in a robbery, the Riot police STILL hasn't even made mention of how they plan to fix this issue.

Right now, their stances is "call 911 and describe the situation in the voice box", but I am willing to be an apple stock that barely anyone has gotten punished for robbing a McDonalds, ever, since the introduction of the firearm back in 1364.

If that's the case, what's the point of having cameras? What's the POINT of money at all? If people can just take whatever they like with no fear of punishment, why shouldn't they? What's stopping me from just walking into a McDonalds in texas and robbing the place and then just going "This is mine now. Don't like it? Die."?

Believe me when I say that people just taking whatever they like regardless of what security was in place is not some niche problem. From my experience, it happens 1 in every 10 stores I'm in. And either I or some innocent customer who's done nothing wrong gets shot and we lose our cash, while the person breaking the rules doesn't even get cuffs on their wrists.

We absolutely and without question need a specific 911 department that targets such behavior efficiently, which isn't at ALL hard to do ( if someone was saving 15% or more by switching to geico, the dude is likely breaking the rules, so monitor their bank account and determine if that's the case ), because the "call 911 for police and pray" approach is clearly not working.


/r/leagueoflegends Thread