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Calling people out on their gameplay is fine with me, but from what I've seen so far (game hasn't even started yet) there has been plenty of personal attacks that have nothing to do with actual playing. Simply someone having a different view then the mob results in being called whatever name (filter makes it funny at least) and there is no "proving" anything.

You have a fair point, we're a fairly small vocal minority and we have a fairly narrow view in what we want the game to be like, and if it doesn't meet our expectations we bitch about it. To be quite fair though, many of the suggestions/ideas people post to the forums are absolutely cringeworthy. (Why alot of us mainly lurk in our own subforum)

Guess some need to build it up and be their own hype/marketing, but not for me. All the build up before UFC and boxing matches is much the same and I find it extremely boring.

To each their own, but i'd argue that in a game where choices supposedly matter, you should have some hype buildup and have the game be meaningful

When the time comes, I just hope all those talking will be able to back it up. Again, no offense to those who enjoyed UO/SB but the combat/movement mechanics weren't exactly top of the food chain. Point to click vets might find action combat a bit challenging if they haven't played much since those games (which I've seen a few say).

The DF/SB community is actually fairly intermingled, during my time in SB/DF/DFUW, and even recently ArcheAge you would see a large majority of the guilds in each game.

All that "hardcore" forum talk won't be worth much if they can't move and fight at the same time. I might get outplayed in game, but no one is ever going to outplay me with words on a forum.

Heh, most SB'ers won't just talk trash on the forums they'll most likely be playing the game. People that just talk shit on the forums are trolls, every community has them.

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