Three preseasons and years of damage meta is enough. We probably shouldn't have a fourth year of one shot kills.

I agree, but dont even start to actually hope for that to ever happen. Methodical, careful Pro Play is beautiful, but boring for the general consumer. You cant tell the Pros "play more risky" so the next best thing is to make the Clown Fiesta the Meta. They wont ever stop that. Champion kits, items and runes all have to feel rewarding and impactful. It would be smart to make them all together impactful, but we are too stupid to see a greater picture, so everything has to be over the top. Galio has his ult now on his W, Yones E is basically a combination of a Zed and Ekko ult, Samira has a moving Windwall in every direction, this game is fucked with powercreep. From the past releases, maybe 3 were somewhat fair. Fiddlesticks is easily countered by Hard CC of any kind and his AoE Fear only applies ln certain spots of the map, at the perfect time, when the enemy team doesnt ward well. Volibear only heals after the second cast and you can see when he wants to engage and act accordingly. Lillia has good damage, decent mobility, but only her ult has great CC, the rest of her kit is very tame. I somewhat hoped that champion designs would get a bit less flashy but oh boy, heres Yone, packing Physical, Magical and True Damage, mobility, hard CC, endless combos, fast Conquerer Stacking, teamfight winning ult and edgy as fuck. Just every problem with modern League in one single release. His "worse" spell, is a wider Camille W with a built in shield. And dont even get me started on Samira. Her entire kit screams: "We learned nothing from Akali, how do we make an ADC that can use Conquerer?" And thats how it will go on. Tanks will become Titans, Carries will become Atlas himself, all while making combos that look like straight from an anime. We now accept Eternals as a part of the bullshit, basically lost all hope for the Client (Cant wait for a new chart about what we dont like about it and then another month without actual changes), play the same lanes everyday, Tanks are just not existent anymore and if they are, then only because they can oneshot you as well and the only reason Im still here is, that I already put so much time and money into this game, that it would be a waste, which is probably the reality for most of us.

tl;dr: Fuck Tencent and Sylas

/r/leagueoflegends Thread