This is why Three Voices is so expensive.

i don't think you understand what's going on. you got that 6m number by turning off a single medium cluster jewel. what i'm talking about is that with shittier voices jewels, you can't even afford to reach the third socket for the third voices jewel. when i turn off 1 of the voices, he goes from 8.6m dps per proj to 2.6m per proj. he also drops from 13k es to 9.8k es, and from 30% regen to 23%.

and no, eternity shroud doesn't need anything. it just gains DPS with each piece of gear you shaper influence, with an extra boost of DPS once every piece is influenced. the only difference here is purposeful harbinger has an even more profound effect by by being responsible for all your defences as well as your DPS.

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