Thresher in Hardcore kicked me...

Artillery team kills in WWII was not changed until almost the end of the game's year.

1 game doesn't equal "most", especially when that game is WW2 which was a complete disaster.

Yeah, it does.

No, it doesn't.

Some things are better in HC and some things are worse. If you want to use uncontrollable lethal streaks go play Core.


The teammates you kill are happy you are kicked because that means you won't kill them again later in the game.

Except I didn't kill them, the AI streak did. The fact that you can't grasp that concept and would rather defend awful game design is amusing, though.

You care more about your 10pts for a kill than killing your teammate.

No, I care more about the streaks I rightfully earned. If a streak I can't control happens to kill a teammate, then oh well, not my fault.

They were 1 kill away from that last BT for Gold or on their best streak

Again, an easy solution would be to not have their death affect their streak/challenge. That has been done before, don't see why it can't be done again.

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