Thursday casual complaints department

Really starting to worry about being made redundant. I’m furloughed again and my boss told me that if the gov hadn’t extended the scheme, they’d have had to start making cuts. It’s a small team and I’m pretty sure I’m the most useless one, and also I think it’s probably obvious that I’m not happy there - so I wouldn’t blame them for giving me the chop.

But I’ve been cautiously job hunting and just can’t see anything I’d apply for. Everything seems to be either in London, massively underpaid (am I imagining this? I feel like jobs I’d have looked at a few years ago are now offering around 10k less than they would have?) or are so flooded with applicants I wouldn’t stand a chance. I know it’s basically the worst time to be looking though so trying to keep the catastrophisizing at bay...

/r/CasualUK Thread