Thursday Unpopular Opinion Thread August 06, 2020

Disclaimer: I by no means co-sign her sex addition comments. I thought they were out of touch and concerning for someone who works in mental health to think that.

She’s not everyone’s cup of tea and I can definitely see where she does rub people the wrong way. That being said, I think these are all great points and what I’m trying to get at. By all means be critical of the content she puts out, because all of your points are great and things that I’ve never thought about and so thank you for that. But I also think she’s done a lot of good with her platform and I hope she’s learning every step of the way.

However, I think it’s possible to be critical and even dislike her without shitting on her approach to sex and nudity. I’ve seen it happen a few times on the sub. But really thank you for those points because I truly never thought about that!

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