(TIAY) Today I asked You, Any scary, or interesting stories you have had while playing fortnite?

This was around season 3-5 around early to mid 2018, I remember jumping into a squad match with some friends, it had us spawn like normal and then the bus ride, but the problem being was the bus was "no you can't jump off sorry" (this affected all 100 players on the match) everyone got kicked out after the jump window ran out, immediately a loading screen popped up (which didn't last long)... so then we were able playing again normally (or so we thought) but it was still bugged, in that you couldn't do anything except run around and open doors, again another loading screen tried to resolve it eventually leading to (after a few more loading screens), almost 90% of the players were kicked leaving only 13 people left, me being one of the thirteen, everything was fine by then but unfortunately I didn't win that match.

/r/FortNiteBR Thread