Tier 2 and Tier 3 Chronicler Seals or Even New Seals

Yes it is.

Wayfarer: The triumphs that have been added to Destinations that aren't apart of Wayfarer are already in their own respective Seals (Black Smith/Shadow/Reckoner/Cursebreaker)

Unbroken: By default Unbroken is only about Valor/Glory, resetting Valor/Glory and getting Pinnacle Weapons, no new triumphs have been added to the game in regards to those facets

Reckoner: Besides acquiring Thorn you need to play Reckoning and it has nothing to do with OG Gambit so I don't really think it makes sense to attach that to Dredgen rather than it being it's own Seal

Chronicler is the only Seal that required you get 100% of the triumphs originally released with that category (Lore)

And the triumphs NOW in the Lore category outnumber the triumphs originally needed for the Chronicler Seal by a fair bit which doesn't apply to any other Seal

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