Tier's 2 3 4 players in a Tier 8 9 10 match lol

Alright, let's have a look. First off, there are no spotted or 'last spotted' icons on the map near him, but OP clearly doesn't have that option turned on, so we can ignore that. However, what we can't ignore is that OPs team doesn't have a living DD. There is one dead DD in the other cap. This means that there are two possibilities;

A) OP is a DD, and the dead DD was an enemy DD mid push

B) The dead DD is an ally, and there is only one DD per side.

In scenario A, my original comment stands.

In scenario B, the enemy DD is most likely on the opposite side of the map pushing around behind OPs team, leaving your proposed situation unlikely.

Regardless of circumstance, even if OP happens to be a RN CL this play makes little sense. Ideally if a DD popped up you would drop smoke and leave it as there are almost certainly torps incoming and sitting in your smoke is, in your words "retarded". He is denying his team spotting and leaving himself open to unnecessary risk.

My original comment was far from flaming. I asked for clarification regarding the situation, and why OP would sit in smoke instead of pushing out and scouting in order to allow his team to push. If anyone is flaming here, it's you.

rest of his team are so clearly being retarded

This is unnecessary and toxic

Free ticket to r/iamverysmart

Threatening to cross post to a sub that doesn't even remotely fit. I never mentioned intelligence, only that it was a questionable play. After all, we know who brought intelligence into this.



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