Tiffany was misused by Bravo to advance their Agenda.

The portrayal of her mom felt really odd to me. It seemed so unnatural that Tiffany was seemingly forcing this 'alienation' from her mom, when really it seemed like her mom was just following covid guidelines. It really rubbed me the wrong way. Like Tiffany would complain about her mom requiring her and her daughters to wear masks around her, or guilting her mom into staying for dinner (after her mom cooked while wearing a mask all day). It all made me super uncomfortable because Tiffany kept trying to pressure her mom into taking her mask off when Tiffany very clearly isn't being careful about covid at all. She even complained about this at the reunion, that her mom doesn't feel safe yet. Her parents are elderly and know that Tiffany is hanging out with friends regularly, why was she framing it like her mom doesn't want to see her?

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