TIFU by being a terrible person

Lived most of my life in little villages travelled to only by bushplane in Alaska, totally isolated from civilization. I escaped my reality also, but it was through books. Parents deleted my music, didn't allow the serious movies i wanted to see and there was no internet, so I had to stick to books. Moved down to the Montana/civilization a sophmore in highschool, and just like you I was totally confused with this new world.

After awhile of trying to fit in I began to be filled with deep depression,regret and anger about how my parent's decissions seemed to have fucked up my chances of a normal life. (Native village life is like a ghetto; drugs, family abuse, rape, alcohol, bad education, etc. Except in a village you can't drive anywhere to escape, everyone is stuck there without a plane ticket, and the sun doesn't come up 1/4 of the year.) Never in Alaska ,and to this day, have I connected to my parents, and this isolated me even further. Isolation and confusion about the society you have to live in is an absolutley awful feeling. Its hard to get ppl to understand how fucked up it is, even when you explain it well as you did OP.

My advice, even though its hard and I'm still working on it also, is to try and move on from the past. You seem like a decent guy and at 22 super young, you got everything in front of you and your past shouldn't hold you down. I'm 24, been through some terribly deep depressions and its all because I couldn't understand normal life, but I never gave up trying to fit in and its payed off. I feel great now, I rarely delve on the social developments and experiences I missed while stuck in isolation. Its been a ride.

Your life has been on a totally different level of fuckupedness but I hope what I said still helps.

Good luck buddy.

/r/tifu Thread