TIFU by calling my wife a shitty driver

I think you misunderstood what I meant, so I'll clarify a bit. I'm not saying that a good decision made today excuses a bad one from yesterday, I'm simply stating that despite how shitty I was to her today, and the way she handled the near-incident, and the way she handled the latter incident could not have been handled any better than she handled it. Being a good driver doesn't start the moment something bad happens, it starts the moment you become the driver. In that case, she made all the right decisions. I've had a lot of time to reflect on this, so forgive me if I seem super argumentative, I'm just trying to simplify my thought process on why I think she was the best driver today:

She had her seatbelt on (what if she didn't). She avoided one possible accident (what if she wasn't paying attention), she followed the speed limit (what if she hadn't). She recognized the danger of both the child and ourselves and didn't swerve potentially causing injury to the second child, or us and the dog in our car (but what if she hadn't noticed any of this). Despite being super shaken up, she knew exactly what to do and thought of the child's well-being first (what if she broke down and couldn't react at all). She called 911 immediately and turned on her hazard lights and stayed until the scene was cleared (what if she had stayed in the middle of the road). She did all of this while I bitched at her for being a shitty driver, and she showed me clearly that she was a great driver (what if I hadn't said any of those things). Sorry for the long response, but I hope it makes a bit more sense now.

/r/tifu Thread Parent