TIFU by getting so drunk I ended up crying naked on my sister's bedroom floor.

aw sweetie

First time I got drunk was with my older sister (we'll call her Karen) when I was 17. She was getting drunk with me & lost the plot on monitoring how much I'd had or could take. I remember hanging out on the floor watching a tiny TV we had in her room saying I didn't feel anything. At some point I was like, "okay I gotta go to the bathroom" and tried to stand up. "Wait... help, KAREN HELP!" as I crashed back down to the floor. Blackout. Come to throwing up over the carpeted stairs as I climbed them (last I remembered, I was already upstairs; when had I gone downstairs to be going up them now!?) with Karen bracing me so I wouldn't fall backwards. Arrive at the upstairs bathroom.

Threw up in the upstairs bathroom with my sister reassuring me through guilty laughter.

Our eldest sister wakes up (let's call her Christine), blinking the light out of her eyes as she walks into the bathroom while I'm drunkenly crying & apologizing. Asks what the hell is going on.

Karen's like, "I may have gotten IgniteTheMoonlight blitzed. it's cool though, I got this," while I do my best to stand up and try to make it seem like Karen's got totally got me. Christine and Karen start talking/laughing I left a trail of vom up the stairs while I keep slurring all I want to do is go to bed now, and as Karen held me up to stumble me to my room, I turn green when Christine makes the joke that my staircase vom-trail looks "tasty."

/r/tifu Thread