TIFU Giving My Dog A Bath During My Shower Time

I was giving the many reasons why people use crates. As the are a great tool to keep dogs safe. I personally believe before going into a crate a dog should be worn out physically or mentally or both if it's going to be for a longer time. Dog usually rest throughout the day on average for 5 hours and standard poodles are a medium energy level dog. With my own personal dog he does stay in the crate for 8 hours sometime which I exersize him or mentally challenge him before and after. Which he is a standard poodle aswell. I also leave long chew to entertain him and frozen stuff kongs full of raw dog food. I think this owner probably should be doing more with his dog at age but since he has two its possible they get enough exercise with each other. 8 hrs isn't really bad for most dogs I've met (I've been working with dogs for 5 years now) given normal energy level and age my last dog even at the young age of 2 would be worn out by me and frequently choose to go to her crate to nap more (working a regular 8 hrs). My whole point is there are many valid reason and benefits to the crate if used appropriately.

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