TIFU by practicing genital hygiene on a first date

Yes you are right, foreskins that do not retract is a condition called phimosis that could cause a lot of problems and possibly require a circumcision. My ex boyfriend told me that around puberty, he monitored for complications from phimosis by his doctor, and he thoroughly educated himself on what complications may be, such as irritation, bleeding, painful urination and urine retention, urinary tract infections, pain with erection and/or during sex, and especially infections of the foreskin.

He is able to fully pull the foreskin down when he is not erect. This allows him to be able to clean properly and in the same way that other uncircumcised men can, so they do not develop smegma. He was always VERY clean. ( He is my ex boyfriend now) I remember being curious not only because this was the first uncircumcised penis that I had experienced with, but because I had also never seen one that the skin would not move.

He has been lucky and also was proactive with his health at such a young age. He had a somewhat rough childhood due to his parents and he lived with his aunt, and from what I understood, she hardly showed affection and love,

/r/tifu Thread Parent