TIFU by slowly and over several years poisoning my family with uranium.

Actually something very similar happened to my aunt's family once. They had a summer house that's been in the family for years. Went there every once in a while to relax and swim in the lake nearby. They didn't have a lot of furniture or personal belongings there for obvious reasons, but they did have a plate set they put to use while spending time there. It was a fairly old one, approximately purchased in the mid sixties. They were in good condition though so no one ever bothered to replace it. Until, after a longer period of time spent in the house, my youngest cousin's kidneys started to act up. The doctors had no idea what was happening at first, it was a pretty unusual case. It became even more unusual, when other close family members staying by the lake started getting sick. Now bear with me, because the real crazy starts here. The plates weren't the only things in that house causing the symptoms. The house was filled with uranium. The plates, the glasses, the lamps, the preheat the broiler. Select firm, meaty peppers without wrinkles for roasting. Wash thoroughly. Place peppers evenly in a single layer on a foil-lined cookie sheet. Place under broiler. Watch them closely as the skin will blister and turn black within minutes. Turn the peppers after 5 minutes to blister all sides evenly. Enchiladas Verdes. Serves 4-6 people.

/r/tifu Thread