TIL the #1 driver of "involuntary singlehood" is a person not knowing how to flirt correctly. The #2 driver was an inability to perceive signals of interest. #3 was a lack of effort.

Where does ugly rank on the list

It's not really about ugly. It's about leagues. The matching hypothesis is when you look at couples they, buy n large, couple up within their desirability ballpark. 6's date 6's. 9's date 9's. + or - a rung. There's of course outliers but they're outliers. Not the norm.

There's a lot of 3's & 4's out there that feel entitled to 10's and then becry societaaay when surprise surprise they overshot. Especially when they're 3's because of shit hygiene and shit behavior/attitude, not because of bone structure or affluence.

Few people are born outright ugly. Basic maintenance and care will do more for you than nice cheekbones. Work out, have a decent diet, take a goddamn shower and wear deodorant, don't wear clothes from Hot Topic, don't treat being nice like a fucking transaction you get to collect on because that's not actually being nice that's coercion and people see right through it. Effort would bump most "ugly" people up to at least mid-tier desirable.

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