TIL in 1763, King George III issued a royal proclamation that forbade British settlement in North America west of the Appalachians, reserving the land for indigenous peoples.

imo, considering that if it was relevant enough to include in the doc, it feels like one of the main reasons.

no, again, it's just an exhaustive list of complaints, exhaustive being the key word. i brought up the legal side because this is common in a legal/debate format - you want your list of reasons to be exhaustive if possible in order to overwhelmingly support your point. if you look at the actual declaration a lot of those points are more 'wtf this is BS' than reasons for revolting, like quartering of soldiers which is shitty but not the end of the world.

i don't know if you read your own links because they support my point. this wasn't really a valid complaint by the time of the declaration, it just got included because again they were making an exhaustive list. this isn't rocket science bro.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org