TIL In the 1960s, the sugar industry paid three Harvard scientists $50,000 to say that heart disease was most likely caused by saturated fat. After their report was published in JAMA, diets concentrating on low fat gained the endorsement of many health authorities.

You came to a thread... where a ton of people already upvoted information that paints sugar as bad... there's an article linking the information.... and then you vomit your garbage like some king Solomon and think we should praise you for your honesty lol.

You say listen up dumb dumbs, and then tell them something they clearly know for themselves. Now if you went to a thread that said donuts are good for you, I'd understand. You are dumb for not knowing your audience. You are dumb for repeating what you hear, using words like snowflake.

You say why not tell dumb people they're dumb because we tell smart people they're smart. Smart people know they're smart, and dumb people won't know it if you tell them, so instead of wasting your dumb breath, try educating them. Nobody tells obese people they're healthy. In case you missed it, I'm calling you dumb, but just as I said, you probably won't realize it, and you'll just keep acting dumb.

Obesity is a self-inflicted disease just like being a victim

So being a victim is a self inflicted disease? And all obese people are not "self-inflicting." A vast majority yes, but not all. If you're going to be an asshole you can at least be a correct one.

go cry to someone else. I really don't give a damn about your feelings.

.... he says in a response directed at what I wrote, thus intact 'giving a damn.' Do you always contradict yourself this much?

And though you may be right about there being too much sugar coating, what does being an arrogant dumb asshole, spouting bullshit and complaining, actually do to help? If you actually wanted to do something about obesity... if it really bothers you so much, do something about it. Don't just flame

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nyti.ms