TIL that in 1963, a White civil right activist named William Lewis Moore protested segregation by walking 400 miles,alone, from Tennessee to Mississippi to deliver his own letter to the governor, urging him to accept integration. 2 days after starting, he was found murdered in the side of a highway.

For most white activists though standing up for black rights is like being the nice parent when the other one is abusive. They'll be nice to you and say it wasn't your fault after you get a beating and try to help when they can, but ultimately wouldn't go far enough as to call openly fight them for you, or leave them. They'll try to explain why they're so bad and explain that deep down they're not really bad people just hurt. And it might be true, but they're not the one getting beaten, in fact, the person who beats you even sees them as a friend. As someone who's not black i've always wondered what I could really do, and have at times resented some black activists for being so racist themselves against whites, but at the same time i've not had to deal directly with what they're living with, so the stakes and urgency are lower for me, and maybe they feel demonizing an entire race is their only way to unify and get fast solutions. I can't blame them for that, and hope to see more black unity and community leadership, even to the exclusion of including whites into it out of fear. I just hope in time some of those jaded people can see it's not all or even more than half of us against them, but the history runs so deep, and most have been historically complicit just by inaction.

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