TIL In 1968 South Korea hatched a plan to assassinate Kim Il Sung that went terribly wrong: Recruits (petty criminals) snapped during intense training on a remote island, killed their trainers, hijacked and blew up a bus in Seoul, killing 15... In all 37 people killed, 7 missing and 30 wounded.

North Korea had tried something similar a few years before but it was foiled by a couple of farmers who stumbled across the assassins.

> [At 2 p.m., four brothers named Woo from Beopwon-ri were out cuttingfirewood and stumbled across the unit's camp. After a fierce debate overwhether to kill the brothers, it was decided instead to try toindoctrinate them on the benefits of communism> At 2 p.m., four brothers named Woo from Beopwon-ri were out cuttingfirewood and stumbled across the unit's camp. After a fierce debate overwhether to kill the brothers, it was decided instead to try toindoctrinate them on the benefits of communismand they were released with a stern warning not to notify the police.However, the brothers immediately reported the presence of the unit tothe Changhyeon police station in Beopwon-ri.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_House_raid)

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org