TIL that in 2014 Korean Air vice president Heather Cho was so angry about receiving macadamia nuts in a bag instead of on a plate, she forced the plane to taxi back to gate and unload the offending flight attendant. "Nutgate" ended up costing her 5 months in jail

Drug addiction, laziness, untreated mental illness and refusing help. There are homeless shelters and food pantries in every city in the country. Want to know why people still dont have a place to stay? They need to be drug-free to live in most homeless shelters, which is apparently too much to ask in exchange for a place to stay.

You can live in most cities working minimum wage if you are only supporting yourself/live with a roommate. People don't like doing that, so they end up homeless. People don't always want to apply for food stamps/EBT or unemployment or even assisted housing. Yes, that exists in America. honestly in most cases a lack of wealth can be attributed to your own decisions here.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org