TIL 53% of US cable customers would leave their current provider if they had a choice and 73% feel their cable provider engages in "predatory practices".

You're stretching it a little. I know we get screwed in the US, but it doesn't help to act like we've got it practically the worst in the world. We're not even the worst among the rich nations; both Canada and Australia have significantly worse internet. Canada in particular has what I'd call the worst internet in the first world.

It also isn't accurate to say "most of the world" pays rates that make ours look "ridiculous". Compared to the 10-50 mbps DSL or cable for $60/month that most Americans are stuck with? Yes, pretty much everywhere in the world with solid internet penetration gets better rates. But the prices I listed for speeds of 100 mbps or 1 gbps? Not really; you can't accurately say "most of the world" can get those speeds for far less. And I'm not pointing out that most of the world can't get those speeds, I'm talking about places you can.

Yes, there's a couple countries with 1 gbps for like $15. Yes, there are maybe 5-15 countries where you can get 1 gbps for $50US or less. Those remain extreme outliers, though. Even in the countries we consider internet utopias the average connection is still only around 50 mbps., even though high speed connections are far more available. Countries like Romania and South Korea prove we could do it if we invested in internet as a public resource and a utility, instead of treating it like a luxury, but they're far from typical.

I consider internet development a high priority and fully believe we could easily have profitable service, public or private, of at least 100 mbps for no more than $25/month to at least 90% of American households. We could have this not even five years from now. I'm not here to defend the progress or state of American internet in any way. But exaggerating what's possible or that to which we're comparing ourselves only clouds the issue and risks letting lobbyists nit-pick your errors or hyperbole to great benefit for entrenched providers.

Don't shit on our progress simply to feel cool or prove how "aware" you are. America is finally making real strides in the last couple years. Remaining far behind the very best doesn't diminish our improvement much in my eyes. It's probably enough to stop being behind on internet speeds and prices, I don't plan on whining if we fail to become world leaders on those fronts.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - cg42.com