TIL About Anne Parrish who was browsing old books in Paris when she discovered a book that she loved as a child in New York. She showed it to her husband. He opened the book and discovered that was, in fact, her childhood copy of the book with her address and name on the inside cover.

One night when I was little, my dad noticed a fire in the woods that ran along our property. He ran down not wanting a forest fire next to his home and discovered a bonfire. When the kids around it saw him, they scattered, and my dad was only able to apprehend one of them.

My dad put out the fire, and lead the guy he caught to our house and called the police. The police came, took him away, and eventually we had a summons to court.

When my dad showed up to court, he was met with his ex girlfriend (from about 17 years prior) that he had dated before getting together with my mom. The boy my dad caught in the woods was his son. My dad didn’t even know she had been pregnant, when he decided to leave her, she didn’t want it to be seen as a ploy to hold on to him, so she just raised him alone.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - newyorker.com