TIL about the "Husband Stitch", an extra stitch given during the repair process after a vaginal birth to tighten the vagina for increased pleasure of a male sexual partner, with painful consequences for women.

My doctor joked about slapping me on the face while performing surgery on my ear. He was using my chest as a tray and he found it hilarious, never mind the fact he had one of those metallic trays for the surgery tools right next to me.

He told me to stay still or I would drop his tools on the floor and if I kept moving he would have to slap me. Then laughed at how funny that apparently was. I was crying. I've been sexually abused in the past and I froze. And having that idiot having the flesh between my ear and cheekbone open and performing surgery made me scared of speaking up and being hurt. I only managed to tell him to not use physical assault as a laughing matter which only made him laugh more.

Where do these people learn how to be doctors and deal with human beings? I sent a letter to complain to the hospital and they did nothing but send me a letter back saying thank you for letting us know. That was it, and nothing ever came out of it.

A few weeks ago I went to see a psychiatrist. I was the first patient of the day. He got late to work then had me waiting. When I walked inside I told him we had arranged to meet at 8:30 and he had had me waiting outside 35 minutes. He didn't even have eye contact with me, he shrugged his shoulders and said "so?".

Another time I accompanied a friend to her psychiatrist appointment. She suffered depression and for some reason the doctor called me inside to talk to me about my friend. Then before we left, he printed us a sign each with a STOP traffic sign in it that said STOP COMPLAINING and told my friend nobody likes to hear me complain. If she feels the need to complain go to the fridge, open the door and complain to it, but don't bother people around you. she changed doctor's after that.

One of my friend's was sexually abused at the gynecologist during an exploration. I was sexually abused during an eye check up. Took it to court and nothing ever happened. After telling another doctor I wasn't comfortable with physical touch, he made a point of putting his hand on my cleavage and touching my chest, arms and even legs. I could tell he was getting off in doing so.

I'm fucking terrified of going to the doctor's alone and when I must, I always record everything on my phone (allowed in my country). It's the only way I feel safe. I also make sure my doctors are all women.

The way some male doctors treat patients is as if we were cattle.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - healthline.com