TIL about Philip Gale, child prodigy that committed suicide at age 19, jumping from a classroom's window. Before jumping he wrote on the blackboard Newton's equation for how an object accelerates as it falls, along with a sketch of a stick figure tossing a chair. He signed it, "Phil was here"

People end up drawing incorrect conclusions anyway, despite being told not to.

We'd have better results teaching HOW to think, instead of WHAT to think- teaching rhetoric in school so that people recognize straw men, red herrings, etc- instead of latching onto misdirection.

That's the problem politically right now, imo- or at least the widespread issue that makes our political situation so fraught.

If you can't identify that you're being manipulated, it's much harder to separate the emotional impact of the bullshit you're being fed from the fact that it's bullshit.

I mean, the fact that your knee jerk reaction to an admitted and stated correlation- that is, someone representing correlation as what it is- is to try and discredit correlation as a valid reason to ask more questions is fairly telling.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org